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3 Thoughts: to solve human poverty, world wars and mental agony
Hundreds of thoughts visit our mind every day, willingly and unwillingly, some passing away as if nothing has happened, some others like a seed give roots to stay, manifest and share. The thoughts given below are those which stayed and ripened so that it can pave way for more thoughts and largely can give rise to humans as a thoughtful species working for global good.
Thought 1 to solve human poverty: Transparency is the key to parity
Thought 2 to solve world wars: As is the human body, so is the cosmic Body, as is the cosmic body so is the human body
Thought 3 to solve mental agony: Beware of surprises happening altogether by chance
Let us try to understand the thoughts one by one.
Thought 1 to solve human poverty: Transparency is the key to parity
Every human has the right to improve their riches and getting renowned. The biggest question to answer is, can these ends justify the means? From womb to tomb the lack of transparency in financial dealings has led to the continuing big economic disparity between the rich and the poor.
The hidden hand of market and the high handedness of governance are the two contributors for this…