Appreciate your reply and thanks for sharing Imperial study article.
For the Singapore Study, I will tell you why the devil is in the details.
If viral load was same in the beginning for both groups,
The paper is silent on:
1. Whether unvaccinated individuals were having first time infection or they had already been infected some months ago and this is their second or third infection?
This is because the body remembers past infection and usually first time is more serious as the virus is new to the body.
2. What is the time gap between vaccination and infection? It is well known that effect of vaccines declines over time say after 6 months, thus this study isn't all inclusive of whether
vaccines can provide long term protection which is one another main reason for vaccine hesitancy.
3. The vaccinated were older age groups when compared to unvaccinated, it is widely known that younger population generate hyperactive immune response when compared to older.
So when they say lymphocyte count, C-reactive protein [CRP], lactate dehydrogenase [LDH] and alanine transferase [ALT] is higher in unvaccinated it is quite obvious.
They didn't compare between two Youngs who are vaccinated and unvaccinated to conclude that unvaccinated are really getting serious.
Moreover, ACE2 is also a functional receptor for the Spike glycoprotein of the SARS-CoV-2. It provides the entry point for the SARS-CoV-2 to hook into and infect human cells.
It is Known that Ageing has been associated with decline in levels of ACE2 expression. Lesser age , more ACE2, the virus can spread more and more viral fragments in blood.
This explains the fully vaccinated patients had a faster rate of increase in Ct value over time compared with unvaccinated individuals as fully vaccinated are mostly old.
In addition, the unvaccinated had more male percentage than female and it is well known that women have better immune response than men.
Again no comparison between two old vs two young vs vaccinated vs unvaccinated. In the trails age and sex matters a lot.
Also, the PCR test cannot distinguish between live virus and dead fragments. The young unvaccinated population may be shedding dead viral fragments detected by PCR.
Another observation is the sample size more for unvaccinated than vaccinated.
The most important point is none of the unvaccinated died even though their numbers were double than vaccinated.
Now coming to the Imperial study:
In table 3(c), The COVID positive among vaccinated in round 13 is 197 and unvaccinated is 178. What is their average Ct value in PCR test?
The Ct value of 22.9 for unvaccinated and 24.3 for vaccinated isn't significant difference at all.
The most important data is missing: How many hospitalized and dead due to COVID is between vaccinated and unvaccinated in round 12 or 13?
How many less than 40 got hospitalized and died and how many more than 40 got hospitalized and died due to COVID in vaccinated and unvaccinated?
What was the Ct value in those hospitalized and died due to COVID?
People are unclear between infection, symptom, hospitalization and death. Infection is normal as we have ACE2 receptors and virus will infect. But symptoms may not be common. Symptoms are our immune response. The differentiator is hospitalization and death. It is better the data is specific and time bound as antibodies wane over time.
Everyone can get infected but death is mostly among elderly and those immune compromised.
You have opened the Pandora box, and answering these questions will ensure confidence among the masses to trust them? Transparency and accountability is the key!
The Pharma cartel don't have them but are high handed in lack of accountability if side effects happen and no transparency in data.