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Are human beings like the moon, their dark side always hidden?
How to bring out the dark side in someone?
There is a Japanese saying that every human has three faces: The first face you show to the world. The second face you show to your dear ones. The third face, you never show anyone. It is the truest reflection of who you are. Similarly, the moon also has an unknown side called the dark side or far side as it always faces away from the earth. Interestingly , the dark side of moon doesn't mean there is absence of light, as both the sides of moon receive equal amount of sunlight, but it is dark means, it is unknown or mysterious to mankind like the dark side of humans. To fully understand the moon, it is also better to understand its dark side too. Likewise it is also better to understand the dark side of someone before establishing the relationship and avoid regretting later. Find the real one, who is same in all situation. That's is why it is said that “Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching”.
Three faces of humans
It is well known that some or arguably all humans behave differently with different people based on the situation. A person may appear kind to a stranger but can be totally cruel with the family members. It is just a matter of time that the stranger realizes this upon more interaction or only to become a…