I beg to differ with your answers for all three points.
To prove point 1, show me the data that younger people less than 40 are dying . I can show that Singapore with more than 60000 cases and 40 deaths, almost more than 35 deaths are more than 60 years old.
For point 2, the trails never test for asymptotic spread. Of the 34000 people who took participated, 17000 was vaccinated and 17000 placebo. They were allowed to do their usual activity and only those who showed symptoms were tested and never the asymptotic ones even while knowing that most people are silent carriers.
For point3, the viral load was tested for people vaccinated and had breakthrough infections and the unvaccinated who got infection and both had similar viral loads. When virus is spreading so much inside body, it means the specific antibodies invoked by vaccines aren't working or no antibodies were invoked.