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The 3 unanswered A’s the big pharma need to answer while making the big claim of more than 90% efficacy for COVID-19 vaccines in their trails
Vaccines are like twin edged swords, they can save lives or kill lives. While vaccines are not new, as they exist from several centuries ago aiding in prevention and eradication of several deadly diseases, but the current viral disease is new and so is its challenges in tackling them. Many big pharma companies are involved in the trails to provide hope or solution for humans in transiting to the next normal. Usually vaccine approval to production takes long time, as it is not child’s play to tinker with human life. Thus it is of paramount importance to answer the below three questions to instill confidence among the potential users of the vaccine such that the big claim of more than 90% efficacy is unflawed and any foul play is negated. The devil is in the details. Lets hope the devil is only imaginary.
1. Activity
Thousands and thousands of volunteers were used for the trails that consisted of equal number of candidates in vaccine groups and placebo groups. However, in these it is unknown what where the activity of the people who received the vaccine and placebo. What were they doing after they received the shots? What was their occupation? It is well known that, the more ones gets…