Kiran Krishnan
2 min readNov 28, 2021


Your heart ❤️ will thank you if you run 🏃 in anti-clockwise direction rather than clockwise direction in a circuit

Centrifugal force in action!

Couples running

If you are running in a circuit, would there be any advantage for your heart if you are running from left to right, in anti-clockwise direction rather than from right to left , in clockwise direction? Yes, there would be some advantage says science.

The centrifugal force and the blood flow from superior vena cava are two concepts which needs to be understood first.

What is centrifugal force?

Centrifugal force is the apparent force experienced towards the outside of a circle and is due to the mass of the object resisting the inward centripetal acceleration that the object is experiencing.

Thus to simply, centrifugal force is the center fleeing force, and is the opposite of centripetal force, which is the center seeking force. While running in a circular path in a ground you will be subjected to both centripetal and centrifugal force.

Centrifugal force in action

What is the role of blood flow from superior vena cava?

Superior vena cava is one of the largest vein in human body whose function is to carry impure…



Kiran Krishnan

Life enthusiast; Seeker; Renaissance man; Life long student ; Self taught scientist.